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Our address: 

Rechtsanwalt Zoran Barać 

Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Straße 20 a

D-10785 Berlin


Phone: +49 (0) 30-26 10 17 88

Fax: +49 (0) 30-26 10 17 89


E-Mail address: office@ra-barac.de

Web: www.anwalt-balkan.de


How to find us:

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The office of our law firm is located centrally in Berlin Mitte, directly at Lützowplatz. The office building can be reached via the main entrance of the Lützowplatz office center. Parking is available in the courtyard and accessible via the passage next to Stiftung Warentest. You can also reach us by public transportation, by taking the underground lines 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Nollendorfplatz underground station) as well as the bus lines 100, 106, 187 and M29 (Lützowplatz stop).

You can contact us by phone Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please write to us in advance using the contact form.